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"I'd be very happy to play for Thornbury Choral Society again. It really is one of the best on the circuit - a choir that sings with real musicianship, and an excellent conductor."
(RH, orchestral player, 2017)
"This performance [of the Matthew Passion], under the musical direction of Steven Kings, must surely be one of the best and most moving that Monmouth Choral Society has ever delivered."
(Angela Hoyle, Reviewer, 2017)
"Thank you for making attendance at Monmouth Choral Society such a delight and pleasure. Your great skill as a teacher and conductor, imparting knowledge with wisdom and humour, makes every Tuesday evening a really positive learning experience for me."
(Jenny, an MCS singer, 2016)
"I thought the concert went very well, and much of the thanks for this goes to Steven Kings for his exceptionally clear beat and consistently thought-out approach to the work."
(PK, orchestral player for Gerontius, December 2012)
"Steven Kings’ crystal-clear beat expressed exactly what he required and enabled the choir to respond with attack and confidence."
(Thornbury Gazette, May 2009)